Are you looking for an original gift idea for a loved one? A natural cosmetics voucher is something you may like. It is often difficult for us to judge which cosmetics will work for someone else. We do not know the exact problems faced by the recipient on a daily basis. Buying “na czuja” cosmetic products may not be a good idea and the smile will disappear from the gifted face along with cosmetic products that they cannot use.
If you started thinking about the possibility of buying a voucher, you certainly welcomed the thought as well whether money in a decorative envelope would be a better alternative for a gift. After all, such a person will be able to decide for himself what to spend the received cash for. Unfortunately, it is impossible to guess whether this form will not be perceived as a sign of disrespect and going along the line of least resistance. Which gift will take less time to prepare than putting cash in an envelope? Rather, none of us would like to be accused of the fact that we do not care about the other person, and we gave the gift, “because that’s how it should be”.
Vocher for cosmetics of a given company shows that we believe in a given brand and that their products are something special. Such a gift gives the impression that we really care about the other person, and in addition: we take into account their opinion and preferences, leaving a free choice in the context of specific cosmetic products. It will be up to her to decide whether she needs avocado seed oil or grape seed oil.
The voucher is definitely a universal gift. It is an intermediate form between not very elegant cash and a misplaced material gift. If we only have basic information about the future recipient – e.g. a favorite hobby, how he or she spends the day, we are able to get out of the hassle of looking for a gift quite smoothly. A gift card is aurea mediocritas, or the golden mean in a sea of gift ideas. Thanks to it, we are giving an intangible gift – and at the same time we are sure that our recipient will make the best choice, strictly material.
Of course, the idea of giving a voucher may have disadvantages. Usually, the use of a gift card is limited in time. Our BOSQIE vouchers, however, have a fairly long validity period, as much as 12 months. However, there are brands that offer vouchers valid for 3 months. The question to ask is: will the recipient be able to redeem the voucher quickly, or would they prefer to postpone the redemption of the gift in time?
This type of gift will work especially for people who already have a lot of material items, are economical and usually do not spend money on “small pleasures for themselves”.
If you are a man, you probably panic at the thought of a gift for a woman. If not, at least you will let out a heavy sigh. Composing a gift for a woman is often the bane of many men. Especially when you don’t want to give her the same thing over and over again: perfume or jewelry. Everyone sometimes wants to surprise someone or experience a pleasant surprise. Giving a gift card is often one of the best and most sensible ways out.
It is worth paying attention to the benefits offered by a given store with a gift card. In our store, gift cards are combined with ongoing promotions. Various denominations are available for every budget: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500 PLN, and the unused funds on the gift card remain on it and can be redeemed on subsequent orders. This is a great option, thanks to which there is no need to buy “in stock”, but only in the event that, for example, we run out of shower gel.