PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome as it is known, includes about 300 symptoms. This includes both physical and psychological symptoms. A few days before menstruation depressive states, irritability, nervousness and even (!) suicidal thoughts may appear. In more severe states, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD, is also distinguished. PMDD is the black sheep of PMS. How do we deal with monthly mood swings? Is there a salvation for us, women?


It is impossible to list all the hundreds of symptoms in a short article. However, it is worth finding out what symptoms occur most frequently. We have divided the symptoms into physical and psychological ones. Find out which of them you observe in yourself. It is also worth noting that the symptoms do not have to be exactly the same every month.


Breast tenderness (swelling),
weight gain,
hunger pangs,
intestinal problems (diarrhea, constipation),
joint pain, muscle pain,
excessive sleepiness during the day or in the morning (despite 12 hours of sleep),
weight gain,
stomach pains,


anger, rage,
depressive states,
lower self-esteem,
intrusive thoughts.

These are the most common symptoms of PMS. Interestingly, they usually appear between the ages of 25 and 30. Teenagers often do not pay attention to the cyclical nature of the symptoms or do not notice the relationship between the drop in mood and the day of the cycle. As we age, self-awareness of our body and inner self increases, so we are better able to recognize the cyclical nature of the changes that occur within us. And this, in turn, can cause anxiety – that something bad is happening to us. With PMDD, the situation becomes even more dramatic and may require gynecological and psychiatric consultation.


Does this mean that those of us who experience such persistent and unpleasant symptoms every month, can not do anything because … “it’s their nature”? NO, absolutely not! There are a number of steps women can take to reduce their discomfort. With milder types of PMS, there is one important truth to be aware of. IT WILL LEAVE. Every day passes, so that day when you’re not feeling your best mentally will also pass. As it turns out, realizing this and asking yourself if the emotion you’re feeling right now is me, or maybe PMS, helps you get through those “worse days.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work to use common sense and try to explain yourself. Then it is worth using NLP techniques, which work on imagination and relaxation.

NLP relaxation techniques

One of the techniques that help to deal with intrusive thoughts, which cause unpleasant emotions, is to imagine a wastebasket, somewhere next to you, on the left or right side. Every time a (perhaps irrational and fearful) thought comes into your mind grab it and throw it into that garbage can, closing the lid. You may be shocked at how this technique works. To enhance the effect, it is a good idea to shake your hands after throwing the thought into the trash.

Another method is to try to distance yourself from your own self. Look at yourself through the eyes of someone else. Standing next to yourself and separating yourself from your emotions in order to sober up and determine whether your emotions and your current state are rational or caused by hormonal changes.


Another way to cope with PMS is to focus on your pleasure. It is during these days that it is worth going to the library in search of an exciting read, allow yourself to watch a comedy, as well as any cosmetic and relaxation rituals, such as bathing in a bathtub or meditation among the aromas of essential oils.


Grapefruit essential oil is perfect for meditation and soothing upset nerves.  Lavender oil is also used in states of increased nervous tension, so we encourage you to try aromatherapy these days, which brings real solace. You can add a few drops to warm bath water or use an aromatherapy fireplace.


Warm baths make our nervous system experience support. To make the bath aromatic and to enhance the relaxing effect on the body, use decoctions of natural herbs. BOSQIE herbal blends provide the best to deal with women’s premenstrual tension.


Remember that you are not alone in your symptoms. If the above methods do not improve your situation, be sure to seek medical attention. You may be suffering from PMDD, and both severe PMS and PMDD qualify for treatment from a gynecologist. There are medical ways on how to improve your premenstrual period. Don’t lose hope and never give up. You are not alone!